Un caine este foarte laudat, dupa ce stapanul sau a postat o inregistrare video, in care acesta apare imediat dupa ce a salvat o turma de oi. Animalele se aflau in pericol, pentru ca erau in calea incendiilor de padure din Australia, scrie Bored Panda.

Incendiile din Australia au inceput sa faca victime in randul animalelor inca din septembrie 2019.

Se pare ca fenomenul ia amploare, pentru ca flacarile nu mai pot fi stapanite. Din fericire, in aceste nenorociri se remarca diverse persoane care se implica si ajuta la salvarea animalelor lipsite de aparare.

Un eveniment deosebit a fost semnalat, insa, cand un caine a ajutat la salvarea unei turme de oi. Patsy, in varsta de sase ani, a actionat rapid cand de ferma unde sta el se apropia un val de foc. Se pare ca primul lucru pe care l-a facut, cand a simtit pericolul, a fost sa aduca turma in siguranta intr-un camp ingradit cu sarma. Asta spre surprinderea stapanei sale, Victoria, care incerca sa stinga incendiul de pe proprietatea ei cu un tractor echipat cu un tanc cu apa.

Eforturile celor doi au salvat nu doar animalele, ci si proprietatea.

Many people have asked for the original video of Patsy to be put up, so here it is....when I stood in this burnt black paddock after the fire ripped through our family farm in Corryong, all I wanted to do was show our friends and family that we were ok, that we were still here, and that even in all the devastation we still had so much to be grateful for. So many others have lost quite literally everything they have. I never dreamed that these 20 seconds of Patsy in a paddock would spread across the world, and that me posting pictures of a little black and white dog would become my way to help my hometown recover from the worst fires in living memory. It’s funny how life works sometimes... These fires are not over. Not even close to being over. They will burn for weeks, months even, and communities all over Australia are going to be hit just like Corryong has been. Our fire season here isn’t even half way through, and it seems like nowhere is safe. It’s easy to feel helpless. But, it’s also easy to help. Make a donation to bushfire relief, no matter how small it is, trust me it will be appreciated. Every little bit helps!

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Bolile oamenilor pe care le poate face și câinele tău
Bolile oamenilor pe care le...

A post shared by Patsy The Wonderdog (@patsythecorryongwonderdog) on

And here’s Patsy’s sheep, safe and sound today!

A post shared by Patsy The Wonderdog (@patsythecorryongwonderdog) on

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