Mai multe persoane au observat ca majoritatea replicilor care fac referire la religia islamica din filmul controversat au fost dublate peste dialoguri.

Conform surselor, filmul "Innocence of the Muslims" care a pornit violentele anti-SUA din Libia si Egipt ar fi avut un buget de cinci milioane de dolari.

Cei care ii contesta autenticitatea au adus in atentie valorile de productie extrem de scazute. In plus, exista mai multe instante in trailerul de 14 minute care circula pe Youtube in care este evident ca anumite dialoguri din film au fost dublate.

Blogul onthemedia da mai multe exemple de replici care au fost suprapuse peste fondul sonor original: folosind acelasi trailer de 14 minute:
1:25: The Islamic Egyptian police arrested 1400 christians.
2:30: His name is Mohammad. And we can call him “the father unknown.”
3:03: Mohammad! Mohammad the bastard! Your lady summons you!
5:14: I’ll help you, Khadija. I’ll make a book for him. It will be a mix of some version from the Torah, and some versions from the New Testament, and mix them into false verses.
6:30: Mohammad is Allah [sic] messenger, and the Koran is our constitution!
8:25: You must say “God and Mohammad, his messenger.” Now, go read the Koran.
9:04: Is your Mohammad a child molester?

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