The former SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service) director, Virgil Magureanu, claims, in an interview given to ZIUA, that the work notes Traian Basescu made for the Securitate while he was a chief inspector of civil navigation do exist in the archives a
The former SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service) director, Virgil Magureanu, claims, in an interview given to ZIUA, that the work notes Traian Basescu made for the Securitate while he was a chief inspector of civil navigation do exist in the archives and they must be made public so as to clarify the past of the actual president. "Starting from assumption of innocence, we - I mean those who are interested in them, as, for instance, I am not - are waiting to see those notes, to read them and, of course, to weigh afterwards", says Virgil Magureanu. He mentions, in this respect, that the work notes to the Securitate were a current issue persons occupying an important position in the communist State had to deal with "without being an information on somebody". Magureanu admits that Basescu might have not signed a commitment with the ex political police. He also reminds that "of all the approaches carried on so far it didn't come out his (editor's note - Basescu's) activity might have harmed one person or another or groups". (O.B.)

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