In December 9, 1957, 9 Romanian peasants died for their lands. The members of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) fired taking the order from General Nicolae Ceausescu. The hero in Vadu Rosca remembers: "He was about one meter in
In December 9, 1957, 9 Romanian peasants died for their lands. The members of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) fired taking the order from General Nicolae Ceausescu. The hero in Vadu Rosca remembers: "He was about one meter in front of me. Ceausescu looked me in the eye and asked me my name. I said it and I let the Communists take me. The ex Securitate would then beat me black and blue."
18 years after the fall of Communism, the hero hasn't been returned his confiscated property. In vain did he bring three witnesses and documents proving they had been neighbors. Just like all the villagers, the authorities knew it very well that, once with the lands and forests, the Communists had also confiscated the peasants' property documents.
Alexandru Mihalcea, now a mayor of the village, was the head of the Agro Industrial Council ruling southern Vrancea. As for Ceausescu, the hero of Vadu Rosca thinks he shouldn't have been shot to death: "There should have been put to death and he would have been sentenced to 25 years in prison instead. The villains these days are worse than Ceausescu!"
The authorities in power, Romanian President Traian Basescu included, took no interest in the commemoration of the 50 years since this anti-Communist attempt. (...) (D.M.C.)

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