The leaders of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) decided that their representatives to the permanent committees of the two Parliament Chambers should demand that the chief of the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service) and the interim officials of the MAE (
The leaders of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) decided that their representatives to the permanent committees of the two Parliament Chambers should demand that the chief of the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service) and the interim officials of the MAE (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) should be interrogated at the same time on the two Romanians arrested in Iraq.
The PSD president Mircea Geoana argued: "We don't want separate interrogations to lead to omission of important elements in this still mysterious story. The SIE and the MAE obviously had other informing action and we want this parliamentary control committee to make the circumstances of the case clear." (...) (R.A.)

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