Selma Blair, actrita cunoscuta pentru rolurile de la Hollywood, duce o lupta cumplita cu scleroza multipla. Aceasta a dezvaluit intr-o postare recenta pe contul sau de Instagram cat de mult a transfomat-o boala, la un an de la diagnostic.

In varsta de 47 de ani, Selma Blair a mai fost surprinsa anterior de paparazzi plimbandu-se rasa in cap, pe strazile din Los Angeles, insotita de iubitul sau, scrie Stirile Pro TV.

In urma cu o luna, actrita anunta ca a terminat sedintele de chimioterapie si aceasta era laudata pentru modul in care a ales sa poarte lupta si sa faca fata acesteia.

Extrem de activa pe contul personal de Instagram, actrita posteaza deseori imagini cu ea, insotind fotografiile cu mesaje in care vorbeste despre drama pe care o traieste, fara sa uite sa ii motiveze pe cei care trec prin experiente similare. Vedeta lauda in diverse ocazii modul in care baiatul ei, Arthur, in varsta de 8 ani, o ajuta sa depaseasca momentele mai dificile.

La o poza cu fiul sau, Selma a scris: “Oare copiii nostri stiu cat de mult ii iubim? Nu ar putea, imi imaginez. Greutatea unor astfel de sentimente i-ar coplesi. Cand ii spun fiului meu ca il iubesc, el raspunde: Stiu. Este de ajuns. Nu are nevoie sa stie cat de mult”.

As a mom, whether strong or not so strong, I hope I can be with this child as he needs me or wants me. This is the best it gets for me. I don’t begrudge him going off to school and growing up. I welcome the days as we are here now. The days seem in the correct order of things. Right now, I save the light I have to laugh with this one. To feel the whole day and night. But when I recover, when the bone marrow makes the amount this body needs when I rebalance my body and Re learn, I will be more present with all those I cherish. But now I watch as Arthur does a full flip in the pool and widen my bleak eyes in shock. When did he get so brave. It was imperceptible. I missed the shift and then he just went and did it even as I was starting to say “that may not be safe”. So I cheered his victory. His full on confidence. And it was from a great height. I will get him in gymnastics and pray for his safety. I never had that bold side on the edge of pools. Blood and stitches were what I saw. So we aren’t just the same. Of course. And thanks for that. I imagined I would be in Paris at this age, alone and walking with a book. Stopping in the Tuileries and watching. But here I am. I still can’t grasp my good fortune. Perhaps Paris and Rome and that amazing hotel on @fogoislandinn will wait for me. For us. I love you Arthur.

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