Actorul Kevin Hart urmeaza sa fie gazda ceremoniei premiilor Oscar 2019 pentru prima data.

"De-a lungul anilor am fost intrebat daca as dori sa fiu vreodata gazda la ceremonia de decernare a premiilor Oscar si raspunsul meu a fost intotdeauna acelasi. Am spus ca ar fi oportunitatea vietii pentru mine ca si comediant si ca se va intampla cand va fi sa fie. Sunt atat de fericit sa va anunt ca in sfarsit a venit ziua in care sa prezint premiile Oscar. Sunt impresionat pentru simplul fapt ca acesta a fost un scop pe lista mea mult timp. Sa fii capabil de a te alatura listei legendarelor gazde care au urcat pe scena este de necrezut", a scris actorul pe Instagram.

De asemenea, Kevin Hart a tinut sa le multumeasca prietenilor, membrilor familiei si fanilor pentru sprijinul acordat si a promis ca editia din acest an va fi una speciala.

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For years I have been asked if I would ever Host the Oscars and my answer was always the same...I said that it would be the opportunity of a lifetime for me as a comedian and that it will happen when it’s suppose to. I am so happy to say that the day has finally come for me to host the Oscars. I am blown away simply because this has been a goal on my list for a long time....To be able to join the legendary list of host that have graced that stage is unbelievable. I know my mom is smiling from ear to ear right now. I want to thank my family/friends/fans for supporting me & riding with me all this time....I will be sure to make this years Oscars a special one. I appreciate the @TheAcademy for the opportunity it’s time to rise to the occasion #Oscars

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