Social 4 August 2016 07:20
Cele doua femei au petrecut doar 72 de ore in Romania, insa au documentat totul!

Bucuresti devine noua destinatie pentru un city break de neuitat pentru turistii din Marea Britanie.

Aeroportul din Birmingham a lansat o noua ruta de la Birmingham la Bucuresti prin compania Blue Air si in cadrul campaniei au invitat doua bloggerite din Marea Britanie sa viziteze Bucurestiul si sa prezinte aceasta noua destinatie pentru un city break de neuitat. Agentia Mr. Tripp a fost unul dintre partenerii acestei campanii, asigurand transferurile de la aeroport, o excursie de o zi in Transilvania si suveniruri traditionale pentru a le aminti mereu de vizita in Romania.

Cele doua bloggerite – Amelia si Lauren, au petrecut 72 de ore in Romania si au descris frumoasa experienta intr-un material video si un articol ce prezinta atractiile oferite de Bucuresti si de regiunile din apropiere, cum este Transilvania, o destinatie ce atrage turisti din toata lumea, fascinati de mitul contelui Dracula. In aceste materiale Bucurestiul este descris ca fiind un oras tanar si fascinant, cu mancare delicioasa, oameni prietenosi si preturi accesibile pentru city break, raportate la veniturile din Marea Britanie. Bucurestiul este o destinatie recomandata celor ce sunt in cautare de experiente culturale, excursii captivante si relaxare. Acesta este mesajul lansat impreuna cu noua ruta de la Birmingham la Bucuresti iar campania are rolul de a incuraja oamenii din Marea Britanie sa ne viziteze capitala si sa descopere minunatele atractiile oferite de Bucuresti si de zonele din apropiere.

Articolul ne prezinta 5 motive pentru care Bucuresti este noua destinatie pentru un city break de neuitat:

  1. The weather is AMAZING. We arrived to over 30 degree heat in July, glorious blue skies and a sunset that didn’t roll around until about 9:30pm. You could sit outside of an evening in your summer dress enjoying a glass of wine and not even have to worry about a cardigan and during the day its perfect tan weather in the city. Let that sunshine warm your bones and relish in the calming effect sunshine has on your day.
  2. It’s so cheap. We were told before we left that Romania was an affordable country when coming from the UK but we didn’t realise just how so. With a pint of beer setting you back around £1.50 and a main meal coming in at about £5 you can really enjoy yourself in Bucharest and not worry about the budget. We had to double take at the bill sometimes once we’d worked out the exchange and the service was always friendly too.
  3. It’s beautiful. The detail on the buildings is nothing like I’ve seen before and they have gorgeous cobbled streets with so much green. We really enjoyed wandering round the streets taking photos and stopping off for the odd iced coffee. They have a mini Arc de Triomphe and some stunning mountains and scenic drives up towards Transylvania too if you fancied getting out of the hustle and bustle of the city.
  4. Delicious Food and Wine. We tried a variety of national dishes and Romanian wine during our stay which I’ll tell you about a bit later on but the food is goooood. Lots of grilled meats, cheeses, sweet pastries and of course some great Romanian beer and surprisingly delectable wines.
  5. It’s Fun! Bucharest is a young city with a great nightlife! If it’s sophisticated wine bars you’re after, they have those. Traditional pubs? Yep. Nightclubs with great cocktails? Yep. Casinos? Sure thing! It’s all here for you to choose from in Bucharest. There are museums, bus tours, walking tours, spas and more to enjoy in the day and if you fancy it, a whole lot of excitement in the evening too.
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