Yuppy 30 Mai 2019 16:09
Dupa aproape cinci ani de cand indragitul actor Robin Williams si-a luat viata, fiul cel mare al regretatului comedian, Zachary Williams, a acceptat sa apara intr-o campanie foto care atrage atentia asupra sinuciderilor. 

Proiectul "Faces of Fortitude" a inceput cand fotografa Mariangela Abeo a postat un portret al ei, pe care l-a distribuit online si a vorbit despre cum se simte dupa pierderea fratelui care se omorase. Femeia a vorbit si despre propriile ganduri privind ideea de sinucidere, dupa ce a fost abuzata sexual.

Initiativa a devenit tot mai mare si incearca sa atraga atentia asupra sinuciderilor, acum avand o serie intreaga de poze cu cei atinsi de astfel de tragedii, scrie EW.

In cea mai noua editie, Zachary Williams, fiul cel mare al lui Robin Williams, actor care s-a sinucis, apare alaturi de alte persoane.

Zachary, in varsta de 36 de ani, a spus pentru aceasta campanie: "Nu exista niciun fel de educatie in vigoare care sa iti spuna cum sa faci fata unei sinucideri, care sa iti spuna cum sa plangi in privat cu familia ta si cum s-o faci in public. Ultimii trei ani au fost ca un proces de vindecare pentru mine. Incepusem sa imi plang de mila, cautam singuratate si vindecare prin indurerarea mea. Dupa ce am renuntat la medicamente, totul devenise foarte brutal. Era extrem de dureros. A trebuit sa ma opresc sa gandesc maret, sa ma gandesc sa ii vindec pe toti si sa ma uit in interiorul meu. Am gasit multe lucruri acolo. Am realizat ca nu eram frant. Era inca multa putere acolo de care nu stiam. Cand jelesti si esti in public pentru a cauta validare, totul este efemer. Cautam sprijin din exterior si nu de la familia mea. Nu acolo vei gasi suport. Multe persoane au vrut sa fie parte din acest proces din diverse motive, mai ales daca esti pe placul lor. Jelirea in public dispare repede, este un ciclu al presei. Este important sa iti prioritizezi procesul de suferinta. Nu poti fi alaturi de altii, daca nu ai terminat sa te ocupi de tine. Trebuie sa fii capabil sa diferentiezi cum arata acest proces in public, in comparatie cu cel privat. Este ceva ce imi doresc sa fi invatat mai devreme pentru mine."

Fotografa a spus ca sedinta foto cu fiul lui Robin Williams a fost una dintre cele mai emotionante, marturisind ca acesta se temea ca va face greseli si ca va izbucni in lacrimi.

“There’s no education in place to tell you how to deal with this. To balance how to grieve privately with your family and then also to have to grieve publicly. While it was nice to be heard, I was spending time on the outer layer instead of on the inside. It wasn't just the survivor network for me, it was the whole world.” Zak is the son of beloved comedian Robin Williams- a suicide loss survivor, entrepreneur, investor, and mental health advocate. He serves on the board for Bring Change To Mind, an org whose mission is to end the stigma and discrimination around mental illness by creating campaigns, storytelling movements, and youth programs to encourage diverse and cultural conversation around mental health. I prepared for days before, even venting to a dear friend moments before Zak arrived. Would I make a fool of myself? Would I accidentally say ‘Oh Captain, My Captain’ and burst into tears? I was overwhelmed.Then my friend said something important -they said, “Be yourself, share your pain. His pain is the same.Remember who you are and why you’re there.” So that’s what I did. In front of me sat a man who lost a loved one to suicide. A man who understood the same level of devastation as I did, as so many of us do. I shared my story, of attempt and loss. Then I was honored that he shared with me his feelings of loss, devastation and growth. THAT is what I strive for: To create a safe space for ANYONE who’s been touched by suicide so they feel able to share. For 90 min, we were just 2 people who had lost someone, and found a common ground in our pain. After he left, I packed up, got in my car and started to drive.Then immediately I realized, OH YEAH, I’m not ok. I pulled over to the nearest park and I sobbed for 30 minutes. The tears were a culmination of what I’d accomplished in 18 months, they were hearing this man tell me my project was “extraordinary” and that he was happy to be part of it. That somehow, through the death of my sweet brother, I’ve been able to provide a safe space for Zak Williams and so many other people. It was a defining moment for me and for my project. I’m so fortunate to share words and photos from Zak’s session with you all week.

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