Doi tati, Paul si Manny, adora sa se fotografieze alaturi de gemenii lor, veniti pe lume prin mama surogat, imbracati in costume ingenioase de Halloween. 

Halloween-ul este un eveniment mult asteptat in SUA. De cum au aflat ca vor deveni parinti, cei doi tati si-au dorit sa se bucure de fiecare moment langa cei mici, purtand tot felul de costumatii haioase si creative.

"Halloween-ul este sarbatoarea mea preferata. Intotdeauna mi-am dorit ca Adelaide sa fie personajul principal, din moment ce este singura fata din familie, asa ca, in fiecare an, ne facem costumele pornind de la ideea unui personal feminin lider", a declarat unul dintre tati, potrivit

In anul 2015, familia s-a costumat in personajele din Vrajitorul din Oz, in 2016 in cele din Game of Thrones, iar pentru 2017 s-au inspirat din filmul "Al cincilea element". Leeloo, eroina acestei productii este interpretata de singura fata din familie, Adelaide.

"In mare parte, costumele sunt realizate de noi. A devenit un proiect ambitios in momentul in care mi-am dat seama ca nu am nicio idee despre cum se face un costum sau cum se coase. Cred ca ne-am descurcat destul de bine", a adaugat el.

Happy Halloween!! This year we wanted to make our daughter Adelaide our powerful leading lady as the queen Danearys Targaryen from Game of Thrones. The three of us are her loyal dragons (she is also called the mother of dragons). BTW we made most everything with the exception of Augustus' costume. We shot and edited the photos in our house. Thanks Chris and Josefina for helping out. Now to organize their birthday party 😳. #AdelaideAndAugustus #happy #halloween #family #twins #surrogacy #familycostume #gay #gayfamily #fashionkids #kidzfadhion #imagination #handmade #lovestyle #huffingtonpostparents #dragons #gameofthrones #thetrendykidz #thetodayshow #theellenshow #accesshollywood #gayparents #love #parents #despiertaamerica #telemundo #halloweenfk @fashionkids @fashionminis @thetrendykidz @ig_fashionkiddies @cutekidsclub @gays_with_kids @fashionkidstrends @minibeautiesandgents @spectacular_kidz @kids.fashionista @theellenshow @todayshow @livekelly @telemundo @emilia_clarke @gameofthrones @hbo

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The inspiration for our costumes this year was one of my favorite movies of all times, "The Fifth Element", which is celebrating its 20th year anniversary. Leeloo, the heroin of the movie, is played by Adelaide the girl of our house. We made pretty much everything with the exception of Paul's costume (right) which we pieced together from purchased components. We also took and edited the pictures​. This was a very ambitious project since I didn't have a clue how to make the costumes and have limited sewing experience. I believe I did a pretty good job especially on the Diva Plavalaguna costume ​wore by Manny (left) which required a number of revisions. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. The kids were even happy taking pictures this year and believe it or not, they actually were collaborating.

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Halloween la Castelul Bran....

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