Fostul model, in varsta de 44 de ani, a dezvaluit, pe pagina de Instagram, ca are cancer de piele. Dayanara Torres a ajuns la medic la insistentele logodnicului si, dupa mai multe analize de specialitate, a aflat diagnosticul crunt.

"Astazi am cateva vesti proaste. Am fost diagnosticata cu cancer de piele, melanom, de la o alunita mai mare careia nu i-am dat niciodata atentie, chiar daca era noua si a continuat sa creasca si sa acopere o suprafata neuniforma.

Logodnicul meu, Louis, m-a implorat sa mergem sa verificam si pana la urma a facut el o programare... dupa o biopsie, rezultatele au fost, din pacate, pozitive. Acum asteptam sa vedem ce tratament voi primi. Deja mi-a fost indepartata o mare parte din zona din spatele genunchiului si mi s-au indeprtat doi noduli limfatici de pe picior, unde deja se intinsese. Sper ca nu s-a intins si la alte organe.

Ma las in mainile lui Dumnezeu si stiu ca el are controlul. Fiii mei, desi sunt putin speriati, stiu despre credinta mea si acum au o luptatoare drept mama", a dezvaluit Torres, rugandu-si fanii sa mearga la medic de cate ori se simt rau sau observa ceva ciudat pe pielea lor.

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Soy #Guerrera As mothers we are always taking care of everyone around us... our kids, family, friends & often we forget to take care of ourselves. 💫 Today I have some sad news... I have been diagnosed with skin cancer "melanoma" from a big spot/mole I never paid attention to, even though it was new, it had been growing for years & had an uneven surface. 💫 My fiancé Louis had been begging me to have it checked & finally made an appointment himself... after a biopsy & a second surgery last Tuesday the results unfortunately are positive. Now we are waiting to see which treatment I will be receiving but they have already removed a big area from the back of my knee & also they have removed 2 lymph nodes at the top of my leg where it had already spread. Hoping it has not spread to any more areas or organs. 🙏🏻 💫 I have put everything in God's hands & I know he has all control... My sons although a bit scared know about my faith and know they have a warrior of a mommy! 💫 But if I can help anyone along the way based on my experience, it would be to tell you... PLEASE, never forget to take care of yourself. If you see something or feel something different in your body have it checked... I had no idea skin cancer could spread anywhere else in your body. . . #Guerrera #iHaveFaith #TrustGod "God doesn't give the hardest battles to his tougher soldier, he creates the toughest soldiers through Life's hardest battles". TODAY is #WorldCancerDay #RaisingAwareness

A post shared by Dayanara Torres (@dayanarapr) on Feb 4, 2019 at 3:40pm PST

Dayanara Torres este logodita cu producătorul de film Louis D'Esposito, cunoscut mai ales pentru proiectele Marvel. In trecut, ea a fost casatorita cu artistul Marc Anthony, cei doi avand impreuna doi copii: Cristian Anthony Muñiz (18 ani) si Ryan Anthony Muñiz (16 ani).