"In 2019 vreau sa fiu mai deschisa, mai deschisa fata de lucrurile cu care ma lupt si sa reusesc sa fiu mai vulnerabila. Am 22 de ani si adevarul este ca indiferent cat de uimitoare poate parea viata privita din afara, ma lupt... ma simt nesigura, sunt fragila, sufar, am temeri, am indoieli, sunt anxioasa, ma intristez si ma enervez. Am avut mai multe zile decat pot numara, cand m-am trezit uitandu-ma pe Instagram comparandu-ma, comparand aspectul meu, simtand ca nu sunt suficient de buna, luptandu-ma sa fiu increzatoare in fortele proprii. Fiecare zi este o batalie pentru incredere.

Nu scriu pentru compatimire sau simpatie, ci doar pentru a spune pur si simplu ca sunt o fiinta umana. Sunt o femeie tanara, invat cine sunt si este foarte greu. E greu sa constati cine esti, dar ceea ce este si mai greu este sa fii comparata cu femei care incearca la randul lor sa faca asta. Sunt zile in care ma simt pur si simplu distrusa din aceasta cauza. Ar fi incredibil daca alte fete si tinere ar reusi sa se sustina reciproc, sa inceteze sa le faca pe celelalte femei care se lupta ca si ele sa se simta incompetente si chiar mai putin de atat.

Cu totii avem defecte, iar acest lucru nu se va schimba. Ceea ce stiu este ca Dumnezeu ne-a creat indivizi pentru un motiv, fiecare cu frumusetea, personalitatile si povestea sa, pentru ca toate fiintele umane create au un anumit plan si un scop, iar El nu face greseli!", a scris Hailey Baldwin pe Instagram.

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stepping into 2019 I want to be more open, I want to be more open about the things I struggle with, and be able to be more vulnerable. I’m a 22 years old, and the truth is no matter how amazing life may look from the outside I struggle... I’m insecure, I’m fragile, I’m hurting, I have fears, I have doubts, I have anxiety, I get sad, I get angry. I have had more days than I can count where I’ve found myself scrolling through Instagram comparing myself, comparing my looks, feeling like I’m not good enough feeling like I lack so many things and really struggling to be confident in who I am because I constantly feel like I’m just not good enough. Every single day is a confidence battle for me. I’m not writing this for a pity party or for sympathy but just to simply say, I’m a human.. I’m a young woman, I’m learning who I am and, it’s REALLY FREAKING HARD. It’s hard finding who you are, but what’s even harder is being picked apart and compared to other women while trying to do that. There are days that I’m simply broken because of it. It would be incredible if other young girls and women could find it in themselves to lift each other up, to stop making other women who are struggling JUST LIKE THEM, feel incompetent and less than. We ALL have flaws, and that will never change. What I do know is, God made us individuals for a reason, with our own beauty, our own personalities, and our own story because there’s a specific plan and purpose for each and every human created and he makes no mistakes!! So this year I’m gonna do my very best to just be ME and be confident with who I am. Cause I am enough, and I’m loved, and you are enough and you’re loved.

A post shared by Hailey Rhode Bieber (@haileybieber) on Jan 6, 2019 at 4:32pm PST