"Suntem foarte dezamagiti de anularea concertului din aceasta seara. Bono era in plina forma si vocea lui era intr-o conditie excelenta inainte de spectacol, dar, dupa cateva cantece, a suferit o pierdere totala a vocii", au precizat membrii trupei U2 intr-un comunicat publicat pe site-ul formatiei.

"Nu stim ce s-a intamplat si vom consulta un medic", precizeaza acelasi comunicat.

Show-ul de sambata seara era cel de-al doilea - si totodata ultimul - concert sustinut de trupa U2 la Berlin in cadrul unui turneu.

Inca de la primele cantece, Bono a lasat impresia ca se confrunta cu anumite dificultati vocale. In mai multe randuri, inclusiv in timpul pieselor interpretate, artistul irlandez, in varsta de 58 de ani, si-a intrerupt evolutia de pe scena pentru a bea apa dintr-un termos, scrie Agerpres.

In cele din urma, Bono a anuntat publicul ca nu mai poate sa continue acel show. Spectatorii vor putea totusi sa isi pastreze biletele achizitionate si sa asiste la un nou concert al trupei U2, ce va fi programat la o data ulterioara.

Vineri seara, in timpul primului concert sustinut de U2 la Berlin in acest turneu, Bono a denuntat violentele comise recent de reprezentantii extremei drepte in orasul german Chemnitz. "Astfel de oameni nu isi au locul in Europa si in aceasta tara", a declarat liderul trupei irlandeze.

God bless this dear man and his naked, public vulnerability tonight. He burst on stage and sang “Blackout” with even more prowess and energy than last night. “Lights I’d Home” was beautiful and the crowd was wild and so with the band during “I Will Follow.” Next was “Red Flag Day” and one moment the voice was clear and pure and then....no sound came out. I thought, given it was so abrupt, that the microphone had a technical glitch. #bono struggled on, spike the words of “ Beautiful Day,” then made a gesture of complete surrender and humility in the obvious, public moment of total powerlessness. He explained as best he could that he didn’t know what happened ed, the band would take a break and either come on or return to #Berlin for a make up show. Grace and mercy is the crowd and it’s empathetic understanding was heart warming to witness. We are all human and things happen. #lifeonlifesterms We are human beings not human doings and no one is an invincible machine. (Hopefully #wimeenders will be at the make up show, cool to meet him tonight.) @U2 #u2 @u2eitour

A post shared by Ashley Judd (@ashley_judd) on Sep 1, 2018 at 1:51pm PDT