multumim :

Maxi Jazz, front-man-ul grupului a declarat pe site-ul oficial: “After 15 years(!) and six albums(!!) I think we’ve probably made our collective point by now and that it’s time to close the book and return to the library”.
“We’ve had, with you, the most unbelievable, epic and moving experience, stretching over years and tens of thousands of miles… joyful, exhilarating and empowering, we never for a moment thought an affair could last this long”.

“If I devoted the rest of my life to the task, I could NEVER thank you enough. I have memories that will still be with me in my next life. You’ll be in my heart forever. Listen for my voice in future lifetimes, I only grow in your shadow, you’re the sun to me.”

Mai multe detalii nu exista inca, cert este ca peste tot se mentioneaza faptul ca Sister Bliss ar fi declarat la un moment dat ca grupul a devenit “jaded”, adica cei trei au obosit din cauza turneelor foarte lungi. Se pare ca aparitiile programate pentru perioada urmatoare vor fi ultimele in care fanii pieselor Faithless se vor mai putea bucura de ele.

Dupa 15 ani de activitate si influenta enorma pe care au avut-o asupra multor artisti si producatori, ce ar mai fi de zis?