La un an de la moartea lui Robin Williams, fiica actorului, Zelda Williams, a postat un mesaj emotionant pe reteaua de socializare Instagram despre ce inseamna sa lupti cu depresia si sa faci fata durerii.

„Am ajuns la o revelatie in acest an pe care ma vad nevoita sa o impartasesc aici pentru cei care au nevoie de ea: Evitarea fricii, a tristetii sau a furies nu este acelasi lucru cu a fi fericit. Imi traiesc tristetea in fiecare zi, dar nu mai sunt iritata de ea. In schimb, o fac acum pentru ca minunatele momente de bucurie pe care le intalnesc sa nu poata fi uitate, ci traite si simtite pentru ceea ce sunt,” a scris Zelda Williams.

„Nu este usor. De fapt, as spue ca este nevoie de mai mult efort pentru a face ceva in mod constient decat pentru a ramane pur si simplu trist, dar, cu toata inima, nu pot spune cat de mult merita. Iar pentru cei care sufera de depresie, stiu cat de intunecat si nesfarsit poate parea acel tunel, dar daca fericirea pare imposibil de gasit, va rog sa nu va pierdeti speranta, oricat de slaba ar fi”, a mai scris fiica actorului.

Robin Williams a murit anul trecut dupa ani intregi de lupta cu depresia. Fiica sa a incurajat in repetate randuri discutiile despre depresie si alte boli mintale.

Moonrise on the lake 🌕 I spent this night shivering and laughing under a clear, cold sky full of stars with people I love just to witness something beautiful. We mooned the moon and laughed ourselves hoarse, and I'm so incredibly grateful for every silly second. I came to a realization this year that I feel compelled to share here, for whomsoever may need it: Avoiding fear, sadness or anger is not the same thing as being happy. I live my sadness every day, but I don't resent it anymore. Instead, I do it now so that the wonderful moments of joy I do find are not in order to forget, but to inhabit and enjoy for their own sake. It's not easy. In fact, I'd say it takes much more effort to consciously do than it does to just stay sad, but with all my heart, I cannot tell you how worth it it is. And for those suffering from depression, I know how dark and endless that tunnel can feel, but if happiness seems impossible to find, please hold on to the possibility of hope, faint though it may be. Because I promise you, there're enough nights under the same yellow moon for all of us to share, no matter how or when you find your way there.

A photo posted by Zelda Williams (@zeldawilliams) on Sep 5, 2015 at 12:13pm PDT