Proiectul ei a devenit unul extrem de popular si poate fi urmarit dupa hashtag-ul #projectlittercritter. Se pare ca acesta a inspirat mai multe persoane, spuna tanara.

Pentru ca deseurile si gunoaiele reprezinta o adevarata problema, amenintand mediul, Dominique a hotarat sa ia atitudine. Aceasta incurajeaza comunitatile sa faca o schimbare pentru a reduce cantitatea de gunoaie produsa si sa se intereseze despre depozitarea sau reciclarea lor corecta.

Aceasta mai spune, pentru Bored Panda, ca orice problema care tine de deseuri este raspunderea fiecaruia.

Prima sculptura facuta din gunoaie, cea cu broasca testoasa, a fost facuta dupa ce a participat la o misiune de curatare a unei portiuni de plaja din Malaezia. Cu ajutorul copiilor si a partenerului sau a decis sa reconstruiasca din particele de deseuri o specie de broasca testoasa amenintata cu disparitia.

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While we were collecting this week’s rubbish, a man walked past looking quite confused, probably wondering what we were doing (or going to do) with multiple bags filled with rubbish while dragging along a rusty scooter that had been left in the bushes. Penny must have sensed his confusion and proudly told him that we were collecting the litter that other people had dropped. He mumbled a ‘well done’ and very quickly hurried passed - I’m not sure he knew what else to say 😂. We have such a weird attitude towards picking up litter, and I’m not sure why. Every time we do it, we notice all of the odd looks thrown our way. So, in the hope of changing misconceptions, encouraging us all to get creative whilst also cleaning up the planet, we’ve got something exciting planned with this hashtag. Looking forward to it 😁#projectlittercritter

A post shared by Dominique (@allthatisshe) on Sep 10, 2018 at 8:35am PDT