Eric Sadiwnyk se intorcea acasa dupa o excursie cu sotia in Las Vegas. Barbatul nu se astepta insa nicio clipa sa primeasca vestea ca va deveni tata de la insusi pilotul avionului.

Sotia lui, Lisa, l-a rugat pe pilot inainte de imbarcare sa fie cel care ii da sotului vestea cea mare. La un moment dat, in timpul zborului, pilotul roaga pasagerii sa isi indrepte atentia catre locul 29E unde sta un pasager care „a tras lozul cel mare in Vegas”.

„Eric, desi nu ai devenit bogat in Vegas, ai tras totusi lozul cel mare. Felicitari, vei fi tatic” a spus pilotul.

Emotionat, barbatul si-a strans sotia in brate abia putand sa isi stapaneasca lacrimile.

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Here's a MUST WATCH! A few weeks ago, my husband Eric Sadiwnyk got quite the surprise on our returning flight from Las Vegas. There aren't enough Thank You's for the crew of American Airlines Flight 607 (1/13/16) with service from Las Vegas to Philadelphia. You all helped me to pull this off seamlessly! I'm hoping if this video makes it around the internet a bit, I may be able to find the crew and Thank them again! I'll also be sending a copy to American Airlines Customer Relations. I love you Eric Sadiwnyk!

Posted by Lisa Sadiwnyk on Friday, February 26, 2016