La inceputul carierei sale, in 2009, Grunewald a fost diagnosticata cu carcinom adenoid chistic. Dupa ce a fost operata, atleta s-a intros in competitie, insa dupa numai un an i-a fost depistat un cancer tiroidian papilar, scrie Agerpres.

Dupa o noua interventie chirurgicala, Gabe a revenit pe pista un an mai tarziu, devenind apoi campioana a Statelor Unite in sala pe distanta de 1.500 m, in 2014.

Grunewald a participat in 2016 la Jocurile de la Rio, insa dupa Olimpiada a fost din nou diagnosticata cu carcinom adenoid chistic, medicii fiind nevoiti sa-i extirpe si ficatul impreuna cu tumora.

Ea a urmat apoi sesiuni de chimioterapie si imunoterapie, ceea ce nu a impiedicat-o sa concureze pana aproape de 31 de ani. In ciuda bolii, Gabe Grunewald a continuat sa alerge impreuna cu sotul ei, Justin, impreuna cu care a creat Brave Like Gabe, un eveniment caritabil care a constat intr-o cursa de 5 kilometri, la Saint Paul (Minnesota).

Starea sa de sanatate s-a deteriorat, insa, in mod accelerat in ultimele saptamani, iar miercuri dimineata Justin Grunewald a anuntat decesul atletei, printr-un mesaj emotionant postat pe Instagram.

At 7:52 I said “I can’t wait until I get to see you again” to my hero, my best friend, my inspiration, my wife. @gigrunewald I always felt like the Robin to your Batman and I know I will never be able to fill this gaping hole in my heart or fill the shoes you have left behind. Your family loves you dearly as do your friends. When @chipgaines made the final push in his #chipinchallenge I could feel your happiness building and could also see that this made you ready to head up to heaven. Chip thanks for helping her to go up so peacefully with no suffering. To everyone else from all ends of the earth, Gabriele heard your messages and was so deeply moved. She wants you to stay brave and keep all the hope in the world. Thanks for helping keep her brave in her time of need 😪🙏🏻 #keeprunningonhope #bravelikegabe 📸 @pixelcrave 📷 @kohjiro_kinno

A post shared by Justin Grunewald (@justingrunewald1) on Jun 11, 2019 at 6:35pm PDT