Așa s-a născut "Atlasul frumuseții", un proiect foto menit să arate lumii "frumusețea navazuta care se ascunde în fiecare femeie."

Fotografiile Mihaelei Noroc ne arată că frumusețea este, într-adevăr, un limbaj universal care nu ține cont de cultură sau vârstă.

Mai multe imagini puteți găsi pe pagina de Instagram a artistei.


For a musician, the competition is incredible in Cuba. Probably nowhere in the world you’ll find such a density of extraordinary musicians. So to make it to the top, besides talent, you need years and years of practice. I met Yansa last October, on the colonial streets of old Havana, where she was playing with her band, at a terrace. Here the best music is on the streets, at terraces, in bars, not so much in concert halls. Yansa plays the flute since she was 8. While most of the other children were outside, playing, she was inside, practicing hard, defying the heat and the tiredness. But she told me that all the sacrifices worth it. Today she can make a decent living from doing what she loves most. More than that, she also supports her parents, financially. She knows how many efforts they did for her and now she’s happy to help them too. Economically speaking, there are many shortages in Cuba. Humanly speaking, there’s definitely no shortage of beautiful people. #Cuba #TheAtlasOfBeauty #AroundTheWorld

O postare distribuită de The Atlas Of Beauty (@the.atlas.of.beauty) pe Mai 13, 2020 la 7:12 PDT

Arabia Saudită

Nujood is a painter, so when I met her in February, in the old town of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, I said to myself that I have to find a picturesque shot. But the light was really bad so we stayed for hours drinking tea and chatting, like so many locals love to do. After a lovely conversation, the picturesque shot was finally there, waiting for us. From the beginning, Nujood was attracted by the visual part of life. Maybe because since childhood she suffered from a hearing disability and had to learn lip reading. Today she wears hearing aids in both ears and that makes her life much easier. She feels fortunate and wants to give back to those in need. That’s why, besides painting, she also works with children with learning disabilities. She knows from her own experience what they need most. #SaudiArabia #TheAtlasOfBeauty #AroundTheWorld

O postare distribuită de The Atlas Of Beauty (@the.atlas.of.beauty) pe Apr 13, 2020 la 8:57 PDT



That’s Isabel, in Antigua, Guatemala, a few weeks ago. She studies to become an IT programmer and loves to play guitar and ukulele. Apparently no connection between these fields. But Isabel learned to play the two instruments in front of her computer, on the internet. After some intense months I finish my journey through the Americas where I gathered almost 100 amazing stories and portraits of women. Will soon fly to Australia and then start the journey around Asia. Traveling with a baby is super intense and at the moment I don’t have the time to write most of the stories of the women I encounter. But everything is put aside and when the time will come they will all be part of the second part of The Atlas of Beauty Book. #TheAtlasOfBeauty by @mihaela_noroc #AroundTheWorld #Guatemala

O postare distribuită de The Atlas Of Beauty (@the.atlas.of.beauty) pe Dec 3, 2019 la 8:15 PST


LATER EDIT: Setareh is from Tehran, Iran. I photographed her in her home, last year, where we talked about her passion for poetry. Thank you so much for so many answers. Let’s not forget that wherever we’re from, we are part of the same family called humanity and the goal of this game is to underline that. ---------------------------------- I’m starting a series called “Guess where she’s from?” I will sometimes be posting photos of women that I photographed from all corners of the world, asking you to guess where are they from. Through this small game I want to show that although we are so different, there are many similar things that unite us and sometimes it’s very hard to say where is somebody from. We are part of different cultures and traditions, and we should celebrate that, but in the same time we are all part of the same great family called humanity. So guess where she’s from. I will leave a comment with the answer in a few hours.

O postare distribuită de The Atlas Of Beauty (@the.atlas.of.beauty) pe Oct 2, 2018 la 8:04 PDT


